Kale Salad with Goddess Dressing
So go on and give this a go. Tell me you don't love kale now! K, I know I have to post that delicious raw chocolate birthday cake I made...
It's Snunch Time
I am back to introduce to you newest meal of the day - SNUNCH. It's a mix of snack and lunch. But you can have it anytime of the day...
Pesto de Spinach
Real fast. Real easy. Real good. 4 cups spinach 1/2 cup pine nuts 1 garlic clove 1/4 tsp both salt n pepa 1/4 cup water 1 tsp maple syrup...
Sexy Summer Salad with Dill Dressing
Most salads are pretty sexy in my eyes. I'd get it on with a beautiful salad any day. But this one in particular I have a special love...