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Bliss Ball Recipe + New Traditions

I always have the best of intentions for carrying on Christmas traditions, I really do. But suddenly its December 23rd and I still haven't written home a Christmas card, purchased gifts or made cookies in festive shapes.

I know Ill be out there on the 24th with the rest of the procrastinators frantically finding 'just the right thing' to give. But Im okay with that. There's something spontaneous and adventurous about surviving a Christmas Eve shopping trip and its become a tradition in itself.

It always works out and Christmas loving and sharing still happens - cards or no cards.

So where am I going with this? Im not sure, but I wanted to share this recipe because its delish, healthy and can even be festive depending on how far you want to take them. I've also decided this is going to be a new little tradition for Christmas since they are easy, no bake, don't require cookie cutters or call for white sugar.

Eat them for energy, give them away, freeze them, decorate them, leave them out for Santa, whatever you want to do. Maybe even decorate them with coconut and call them Christmas Snow Balls, your options are endless.

Chocolate Coconut Bliss Balls

1 cup raw cacao

2 cups unsweetened coconut

20 pitted dates

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup raw coconut oil

1/4 cup hemp seeds

dash of pure vanilla

dash of cinnamon

dash sea salt

  • Blend Water & dates until a paste is formed.

  • Food process shredded coconut and oil until it forms a chunky mixture

  • Mix date paste with cacao.

  • Mix in hemp seeds, vanilla, cinnamon and sea salt.

  • With your hands, mash together the coconut mixture to the cacao mixture.

  • Use your hands to form little balls and place on waxed paper.

  • 5. Refrigerate for 10-20 minutes and then enjoy!

Before refrigerating you can roll them in toppings such as cacao powder, coconut, chopped nuts or seeds or gogi berries. I melted chocolate and dipped them, try it, you wont regret it.

Merry Christmas!!


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