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Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake

Looking at the pictures of this Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake makes me want a piece right now. Which is basically torture because I don't have any left. I want it, but I can't have it. That makes me want it MORE.

Well, we will just have to make some then, won't we.

I made this on my birthday a couple weeks ago. It was easy to follow, relatively healthy, and the images I saw promised undeniable deliciousness ahead. Check, check aaaaaaaand check.

I say relatively healthy because for one, most of the ingredients are whole foods. You won't find flour, white sugar or poor quality oils in this recipe. Nope. Not here. This cake is so good for you it could add years to your life. I bet it might.

But on the other hand, there is a good amount of natural sugars - dates, honey or maple syrup. Not the end of the world by any means, but doesn't mean you should eat the whole thing cuz it's so good for you - youknowwhatImean? As the boring but wise saying goes - everything in moderation.

I am a recipe follower/adapter more than a recipe creator and this one came from this site here. She also offers more tempting pictures.

So let's get this party started, shall we?

Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake


  • 1.5 cups walnuts

  • 10 Dates (pitted) - I used medjool but you could soak dried dates

  • 1/3 cup Cacao

  • 1.5 tbs Melted Coconut oil

Mix all that in the food processor. Press into a base of a 5" spring foam. Or do what I did and press it into a bottom of a very well coconut oiled pan. Not the best idea but it works if you don't have a spring foam.


  • 2 Ripe Avocados

  • 1 cup Cacao

  • 1/2 cup Maple Syrup or Honey

  • 2 tsp Vanilla

  • 1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar

Mix these guys together in the food processor as well. Then layer this goodness over the base. I topped mine off with some cacao nibs but you could use shredded coconut or leave it as is. Put the cake in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Then take it out, let it sit. If you did put it in a pan, it gets a little complicated here - slide a knife around and around the cake until the whole cake starts to turn. As in, it starts to detach from the bottom of the pan. Then flip the pan over and hopefully it all comes out in one piece. Not ideal, I know, but do-able.

Even if it's not your birthday, light a candle and sing a song. This cake will make you feel even more special than you already are.



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