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Make Your Own Coconut Milk

So I've been making these videos lately.

They are a bit out of my comfort zone.

Okay they are a lot out of my comfort zone.

But truthfully I love making them. They are really fun to put together and I love getting creative in this way. It is hilarious to me how much I am not a video-anything, I don't even like watching movies, but following inspiration is important to me so I'll go with it.

I guess, too, you can actually watch how easy and fun it is to make some of these things that are so good for you.

And I don't mean 'fun' in a way that you try to make something sound not boring by saying 'it'll be fun' while adding a thumbs up and a fake smile - I really mean it's a good time making your own food.

Why make your own coconut milk? There are no preservatives or additives, first of all. The nutrients will be higher when you make it yourself. Dos. And I also love that you now won't ingest the crap along the lining of the can. There's three really good reasons.

So here is the coconut milk recipe.

2 ingredients. 3 steps. So simple.

Homemade Coconut Milk

  • 1 cup unsweetened, unsulphered shredded coconut.

  • 2.5 cups hot water

  1. Put coconut + water into blender

  2. Blend for 3 minutes

  3. You can use as is for cooking or strain out liquid using a cheese cloth.

Store in fridge for up to 3 days

That is all.

Watch my video here:

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